Jumat, 28 Januari 2022


Halo, kaffeekenners!

Kali ini aku mau berbagi tutorial buat kamu kamu yang lagi bingung, gundah, gabut, gatau mau ngapain. Mending kita buat kerajinan tangan yaitu merajut, yuk!

Merajut sudah bukan hal yang baru lagi untuk kehidupan manusia. Bahkan banyak banget, lho, karya rajutan yang kita gunakan dalam sehari-hari seperti sweater, kaos kaki, selimut, karpet, mekrame, dan lain-lain.

Musim pandemi gini udah jelas membuat kita makin gabut aja nih di rumah. Alangkah lebih baik kalau kita mengisi waktu luang dengan kegiatan yang bermanfaat seperti merajut. Pandemi mengharuskan kita untuk memakai masker. Tapi kamu taukan ukuran masker itu seringkali diperuntukkan untuk dikaitkan ke telinga. Buat hijabers kayak kita, hmmm... gimana ya biar tetap mematuhi protokol kesehatan tapi tetap stylist? Yup! Ide bagus kalau kali ini, kita coba untuk membuat konektor masker khusus hijabers cantik kayak kita. Let's read the tutorial!



Alat dan Bahan

Benang Rajut Polycerry
Hook berukuran 3
Gunting/Korek Api

Cara Membuat

1. Siapkan alat dan bahan.

2. Buatlah slip knot untuk memulai rajutan

3. Buatlah rantai sebanyak 15.

4. Satukan ujungnya dengan slip-stitch.

5. Buatlah 8 rantai.

6. Buatlah tusuk puff dengan memasukkan hook ke tusuk sebelumnya.

7. Buatlah sampai 7 kali.

8. Ambilah setiap 2 benang.

9. Buatlah 3 rantai.

10. Masukkan ke rantai nomor 2 dan memulai tusuk puff lagi.

11. Kaitkan dengan punggung benang sebelumnya.

12. Ambilah benang dan selesaikan setiap 2 benang.

13. Lakukan ulang hingga 11 baris motif.

14. Buatlah pengait kancing sebanyak 15 rantai.

15. Satukan lagi dengan slip-stitch.

16. Rajut satu benang lagi untuk mengunci.

17. Putuskan benang dengan gunting/api.

18. Pasang kancing di bagian ujung pengait dan konektor masker rajut selesai dibuat.


Okey hijabers, segitu dulu tutorial dari aku. See you on the next tutorial. Thank you!!!


Tugas Kewirausahaan

Nama     : Allika Risa Haya
Kelas      : 4SA07
NPM      : 10618579


Nama  : Allika Risa Haya

Kelas   : 4SA07

NPM   : 10618579



a.     Nama Perusahaan

Ayareina Rajut

b.     Latar Belakang Perusahaan

Ayareina Rajut merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang bisnis yang menyajikan produk berupa kerajinan tangan. Pembangunan perusahaan Ayareina Rajut dilatarbelakangi oleh minat masyarakat Indonesia terhadap karya-karya rajutan terlebih di masa pandemi.

c.      Visi Misi Perusahaan

Visi dan Misi perusahaan Ayareina Rajut adalah untuk memperkenalkan karya-karya rajutan yang beragam kepada masyarakat.

d.     Tim Manajemen

Ayareina Rajut merupakan perusahaan yang didirikan oleh satu orang pendiri. Modal yang dibutuhkan juga dari sang pendiri. Oleh karena itu, keuntungan atau laba bersih dari Ayareina Rajut akan menjadi milik pendiri sejumlah 100% yang akan diakumulasikan untuk membesarkan perusahaan Ayareina Rajut.


a.     Informasi Produk

Ayareina Rajut menyediakan beragam barang hasil rajutan dengan kreatifitas yang mengikuti zaman modern. Hasilnya berupa konektor masker, sweater, tas, dompet, dan produk hasil rajutan lainnya.

b.     Peluang dan Keunggulan Produk

Hasil-hasil karya yang diproduksi oleh Ayareina Rajut memiliki keunggulan dibandingkan perusahaan produksi rajut lainnya. Hal ini dikarenakan bahan yang digunakan oleh perusahaan Ayareina Rajut merupakan bahan-bahan dan alat-alat yang berkualitas premium. Selain itu, hasil rajutan dari Ayareina Rajut dapat dipastikan kerapihan dan keindahannya.

c.      Target Pasar

Target pasar dari perusahaan Ayareina Rajut adalah umum terutama wanita yang menyukai keindahan produk rajutan.

d.     Rincian Harga Produk

Ayareina Rajut memiliki beragam karya yang akan diperjualbelikan dengan harga yang sesuai dengan kualitas. Harga-harga tersebut akan dimulai dari Rp15.000.

e.      Tujuan Jangka Panjang

Ayareina Rajut diharapkan menjadi perusahaan yang bergerak secara daring maupun luring dan merambah diberbagai marketplace dan social media.

f.      Strategi Pemasaran

Pemasaran dari produk-produk Ayareina Rajut akan dilakukan secara online maupun offline melalui jejaring media sosial, brosur, banner, dan beragam promosi lainnya untuk menaikkan penjualan.


a.     Pengadaan Produk

·       Proses pembelian bahan dan alat rajut

·       Proses pembuatan karya/produk rajutan

·       Proses pengemasan

b.     Pengendalian Persediaan Stok Produk

Ayareina Rajut akan menyediakan 10 karya setiap harinya dengan jam operasional 08.00 – 22.00 WIB.

c.      Manajemen Keuangan

·       Mengatur keuangan dengan memisahkan modal dan laba bersih harian.

·       Memberikan upah karyawan setiap awal pembukuan keuangan yakni pada tanggal 25 di setiap bulannya.


a.     Modal Awal

= Harga Pokok Penjualan + Biaya Tetap

= Rp3.000.000 + Rp1.000.000

= Rp4.000.000

b.     Perkiraan Biaya Tetap

Jenis Pengeluaran Harga

Hookpen Rp90.000

Benang Rp500.000

Jarum Rp10.000

Gunting Rp10.000

Marketing Rp300.000


Selasa, 19 Januari 2021


As a Tangerang people, I'd like to introduce one of the public facilities that Tangerang has. One of them is a hotel. As we knew, Hotel is a building or public place that serve a room and several facilities for people who want to stay for a while. It can for many reasons depends on the people. At this moment, I'd like to show you the GREEN STAY INN hotel located in Tangerang.

Well, as I said before, this hotel is located in Tangerang. Specifically, in Komplek Aeropolis Residence 2 Tower A GF Blok A No. 1 in Marsekal Surya Dharma street in Batuceper, Tangerang, Banten. This hotel rents rooms starting from Rp. 140.000 per night. If you interest, you can check-in start from 02.00 pm to 11.59 pm. Also, the time for check-out is at 12.00 pm. The type of room in this hotel is Superior Room such as:
1. Superior Room Only for 8 Hours
2. Superior Room Only Double Bed
3. Superior Room Only Twin Bed.

Other than that, this hotel also has the Policy, such as:
1. Deposit
Guests do not need to pay a deposit at check-in.

2. Age
Only accepts guests over 18 years old.

3. Breakfast
Breakfast is available from 00.00 - 12.00 local time.

4. Pet
No pets allowed.

5. Smoke
Non-smoking room.

6. Alcohol
No alcohol drinks allowed.

Then now, I'd like to show you the facilities that this hotel has. It is as follows:
1. CLEAN ticket for health and medical.
2. Shower in the room.
3. Free WiFi
4. Free Parking
5. Lift
6. Smoking Room
7. Receptionist for 24 hours
8. AC
9. Restaurant
10. Luggage storage
11. Concierge Services

This hotel has 3.8 stars as described on the web. It also because some of the people who ever stay there given a negative review and comments such as dirty room, no towels, wifi connection is not smooth, cable TV, Etc. But I can conclude that all of the facilities and services are according to its price.

I think that's all to introduce one of a public facility in my country. Have a great day!!!


Kamis, 17 Desember 2020


 One of the hotels I have visited is the Hotel Puri Denpasar. The hotel is an inn located in Denpasar, Bali. This hotel has several facilities including a swimming pool, meeting hall. In this hotel, the hallway lighting is dim.

It was a graduation ceremony that was celebrated in Bali. The event lasted for several days and visited several tourist attractions in the Bali area such as Kuta Beach, Pandawa Beach, Tanah Lot, and the GWK (Garuda Wisnu Kencana) Statue. During the trip to these places, there is a tour guide who guides and explains the history and condition of these tourist attractions. The tour guide is very fluent in conveying the information he provides.

Besides that, when in hotels what I don't like is the place to eat. Maybe because of graduation, the students who stay overnight are on a large scale so that the place to eat is like a large empty room specifically for eating like an invitation. This is normal and I tell you, but personally, I feel uncomfortable.

For bedroom facilities, there are 3 mattresses. It's just that the mattress that was hard made me uncomfortable. The two mattresses next to me are soft. there are a television and a private bathroom in the room. The bathroom is clean. Also, the hall is wide and feels its formality.

I think that's enough for my accommodation experience on a tour of Bali. Also, I don't have any photos in there because at that time I don't have a phone to take a photo. Thank youuu!

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2020


In the Malang Batu Bromo 3 Days 2 Nights Package, we will take you to interesting and fun tourist locations, of course. Enjoy the beauty of Mount Bromo and Thematic Tourism in Batu Malang!!

Day 1:

1.      Coban Rondo Waterfall: Natural Waterfall and Hedge Maze

2.      Flora Wisata San Terra

3.      Angkut Museum / Dino Park / Legend Star (Choose one of them)

4.      Alun-alun Batu

Day 2:

1.      Bromo All Spots

2.      Malang Souvenirs Tour

Day 3:

1.      Jodipan Colorful Village

2.      Culinary Tour of Malang City (own cost)

* Tell our CS if there is a destination that you want to change


Malang Station/Malang Airport


Everyday as requested


·         Transportation during tour (Avanza/Xenia, Innova, HiAce, Elf)

·         Jeep in Bromo (1 Jeep max 6 people)

·         Stay one night at a 3-star hotel or equivalent (Twin/Triple Share, Include Breakfast)

·         Travel entrance ticket according to the itinerary

·         Village Meal 1x

·         Snack Box 1x

·         Mineral water during the tour

·         Driver as guide

·         BBM, Parking and TOLL


·         Airplane Tickets Train / Plane

·         Personal expenses

·         Costs outside the Itinerary

·         Rent a horse

·         Documentation

·         Travel Insurance



08.00-09.00: Pick up participants at the specified Meeting Point

09.00-12.00: Coban Rondo Tour and Labyrinth Park

12.00-14.00: Tour at Flora Wisata San Terra

14.00-18.00: Angkut Museum / Dino Park / Legend Star Tour (Choose One)

18.00-00.00: Spend the night at Batu Town Square



00.00-02.30: Preparation for Bromo and continue the journey to Wonokitri Park Area

02.30-03.00: Arrive at Wonokitri Park Area

03.00-04.00: Head to Penanjakan 1 spot Golden Sunrise

04.00-05.00: Coffee Morning while waiting for the sunrise

05.00-06.00: Enjoy sunrise Bromo, Capture it.

06.00-06.30: Head to the Ocean of Sand

06.30-07.00: Spot photos in the Widodaren Block

07.00-08.30: Explore Bromo Crater Spot and Poten Temple

08.30-09.00: Whispering Sand Spot

09.00-10.30: Spot on the Teletubies Hill savanna

10.30-11.30: Return to Wonokitri Rest Area and Lunch at a Local Resto

11.30-13.30: Return to the Hotel

13.30-18.00: Check in Hotel and rest

19.00-21.00: Buying Souvenirs in Malang City or Free Event.



08.00-09.00: Breakfast at hotel and check out

09.00-11.00: Jodipan Colorful Village Tour

11.00-13.00: Culinary Tour of Malang City (Own Cost) Take participants back to the Meeting Point and Tour is Over.



·         The itinerary above is not standard, the schedule can change at any time according to conditions in the field without disturbing the overall agenda

·         Dinner & Lunch hours are not included in the package according to conditions in the field, you will be escorted to the local RM

·         What to Bring: Thick Jackets, Gloves, Scarf, Headgear, Masks, Snacks, Drugs, Camera, Cash

·         We can adjust the schedule according to your arrival and departure hours

·         There is no refund of tickets that are not used by participants



·         12 PEOPLE = Rp. 1.033.000/people

·         11 PEOPLE = Rp. 1.093.000/people

·         10 PEOPLE = Rp. 1.043.000/people

·         9 PEOPLE = Rp. 1.116.000/people

·         8 PEOPLE = Rp. 1.150.000/people

·         7 PEOPLE = Rp. 1.260.000/people

·         6 PEOPLE = Rp. 1.131.000/people

·         5 PEOPLE = Rp. 1.207.000/people

·         4 PEOPLE = Rp. 1.281.000/people

·         3 PEOPLE = Rp. 1.603.000/people

·         2 PEOPLE = Rp. 1.981.000/people

*More than 12 people please contact our CS

Hotel Selection (Choose One)

1.      Sharia Radho Sweet

2.      Ciptaningati Hotel

3.      Fave Hotel Tlogomas

4.      De Boutique Hotel

*Prices do not apply during the High Session Eid, Christmas & New Year




0822 2110 000 / ayareina.travelling.co.id


Halo, kaffeekenners! Kali ini aku mau berbagi tutorial buat kamu kamu yang lagi bingung, gundah, gabut, gatau mau ngapain. Mending kita buat...